Return tourism and sustainable enhancement of deserted Italian villages: description, analysis, and evaluation of an existing project



Tourism of the roots, Sustainable tourism, Experiential Tourism, Net Destination South, Colliano, The Village of the Normans


To outline and critically evaluate an existing project called: "Return to Italy 2023-2028", already started with the title "2023: Year of Return Tourism. The Discovery of the Origins" desired and managed by the “Rete Destinazione Sud” (Destination South Network), as part of the various Italian initiatives typical of 'Roots Tourism'. It focuses, in particular, on the revaluation of the villages of Colliano and Collianello. After a broad theoretical framework referring to previous national and international studies, the article draws on the direct experience of one of the co-authors who implemented the project and is currently managing it. The authors' presence at some of the numerous planned initiatives also facilitated a critical assessment of the results obtained and the expected perspectives. The initiative of southern private enterprises in a network aimed at enhancing economically depressed inland areas has considerable social value, especially since it is built following the latest canons of sustainability. We hope for the multiplication of initiatives similar to the positive ones that have already characterised Colliano and Collianello, giving back to the community ancient buildings and abandoned dwellings, transformed into widespread accommodation facilities. This study enriches the scientific bibliography, but also and above all proposes a praiseworthy concrete case of co-participation of private enterprises in the enhancement of depressed marginal areas, normally taken care of by public authorities. This fosters a business culture that is more sensitive to social issues and concretises the hope of entrepreneurs' active participation in a geography of tourism spread throughout Italy, decongesting traditional itineraries that suffer from over-tourism.


